Other Words for Awry Definition

More worryingly, there are signs that extremists on both sides are ready to take to the streets if they feel things have gone wrong. I am, but I`m not so lucky, because the next wave grabs the twisted boat and throws me from the neck to the heel! In cases where something goes wrong in this process, other brain structures are affected, and ASD can result. But it quickly became a textbook case for marketing gone wrong. Tackling it in real time in the middle of a political battle with a knife will almost certainly go wrong. To everything that`s wrong, she has this answer: « Well, you`d get up so early! » I have other questions: Chicago, what happened to Kim Foxx and this prosecutor? The D.A. Team ? What was going on? I have so many questions and was Jussie Smollett involved in any way in the commission of something bigger, something that felt like a waking moment gone wrong? We don`t know, and we may never know. But it is worth asking questions because taxpayers` money has been spent and we, as a public, have been manipulated. Despite these advances, positioning signals encounter interference and other conditions that can cause them to go wrong. Ironic means « crooked » – that is, to be wrong means to be « crooked ».

Awry is crooked similar to what means « out, offline, » but if you compare the crooked roots « twisted at an angle » and ironically « twisted, » you`ll see the subtle difference between the two words. Papyrologist Brice C. Jones immediately noticed that something was wrong. The people who ruled until 1800 were rightly afraid that something would go wrong with the democratic system and that the country might fall back into monarchy. There`s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked. Contaminant contamination is a reflection on something wrong with a company`s inspection process and quality control process. Hotspur had rushed to the stables without a rider after a crazy gallop, stirrups hanging down and the saddle crooked. Instead of being afraid of social interaction gone wrong, impending deadlines, or a number of anxiety-provoking events in the real world, your fear is now tied to the monster on screen.

There are technical difficulties in the funeral home and things go wrong. Or, after a surprise greeting for Gloria goes awry: « Just a thought: maybe we should stop. » If something goes wrong with a decent plan, say it went wrong. Losing your backpack is a mistake, but when you realize it contained your ticket and passport, your vacation plans go really wrong. « Crooked. » Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/awry. Retrieved 30 September 2022. This smug remark struck the wrong ear, like the groans of a deacon`s account at a Sunday School convention. Britannica English: Translation of awry for Arabic speakers She screamed when she did, and then, with some difficulty, she stood up and immediately sat down again with a twisted face.