Relented Definition and Examples

The council passed a measure encouraging the song to be played before sporting events, and Ehlers relented. Google only gave in to its own threat to pull its search engine from Australia after signing contracts with the country`s major publishers that would allow it to circumvent the strictest parts of the law. Procrastination involves voluntary submission or submission out of respect or reverence for or reverence and affection for others. But the king did not want to release him or give in to the Americans. To succumb implies weakness and powerlessness in the face of the one who yields to the opposing force, or to an overwhelming power. It occurred to me that if I attacked Mr. Roberge because of his vulnerability, he might give in. Middle English, to melt, soften, from Anglo-French relenter, from re- + Latin lentare to bend, from lentus soft, supple, slow – more to soft Increase your test score with programs developed by experts. And the Senate, under pressure from business, is in no mood to give in. Only then does Trudy rein and say he should get an apartment in Manhattan. The root of relentus is the Latin lentus, which means « to slow down or soften ». The original meaning of the 15th century most likely had to do with the heart – as in « stop resisting love ».

Now, however, loosening can have all sorts of applications, but the meaning is always the same: sag, soften, yield, or yield. We often hear the adjective used endlessly to describe someone who does not give in: « The firefighters refused to give in; Capitulate emphasizes ending all resistance and can mean either agreement (as with an adversary) or despair in the face of an irresistible opposing force. Indulgence involves giving in out of compassion or compassion by someone who has the upper hand. She begged her father to contact him and refused to give in until he sent an interrogation telegram. Submissive suggests surrendering completely to someone else`s will or control after resistance or conflict. However, she refused – and, I wish I never gave in – to let any extreme notion of food scarcity disrupt her routine. A turbulent and wintry weather pattern began at the end of January and shows no signs of slowing down this week. Not being willing to give in is a good qualification for a salesperson.

You must keep trying to make the sale and never give in until you have made it. To yield, to submit, to capitulate, to yield, to yield, to someone or to something that can no longer be resisted. Performance can refer to any type or degree of submission to violence, argument, persuasion or advocacy. Fate had been fickle and cold for so long; But now that her smile was worse than a frown, she could easily give in. Pultusk and Eylau testified to his bravery and his speech on the battlefield, and Napoleon began to give in. Then, in 1937, the justices began to yield in a 5-4 decision. Cruz`s office refused to confirm the trip for many hours, finally relenting when the senator decided to go home Thursday afternoon. A dry weekend provides relief, but the cold temperatures don`t abate. By early Wednesday morning, Abedin had returned, but Weiner sent no signal to Washington that he was ready to back down.