Entrées par Charles

What Can Be Used as Legal Id

If you are located outside the United States and the countries mentioned above, the passport card can be used as ID and proof of citizenship in a particular country, even if it is not valid for international travel (e.g. travel from Germany to Switzerland/Austria/France/etc.). [15] NOTE: The documents listed may also be used as […]

What Are the Terms of a Legal Trademark in the Canadian Business Law

On what grounds is a mark excluded from registration (i.e. absolute and relative grounds for refusal)? 46 (1) Subject to other provisions of this Act, a registration of a trade-mark shall initially be entered in the register for a period of 10 years beginning on the date of registration, and for subsequent renewal periods […]

What Are the Requirements of Building Regulations

Controls the insulation values of building elements, the permissible area of windows, doors and other openings, the air permeability of the structure, the heating efficiency of boilers, hot water tanks and lighting. It also controls mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, space heating controls, airtightness testing of large buildings, solar emissions, certification, testing and […]

What Are the Legal Rights of Non-Adults

Significance – Article 13 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights recognizes the right of all aliens lawfully residing in the territory of a State party to be expelled from the State solely on the basis of a decision taken in accordance with the law (including a fair trial), unless national security […]

What Are the Language Laws in Canada

Employees of federal institutions, regardless of whether their position is bilingual, have the right to work in the official language of their choice in the following designated bilingual regions: As an extension of the existing language law, the law provides that immigrants to Canada who settle in Quebec cannot negotiate with the government in […]

What Are the Different Sources of International Law

In the early stages of the development of international law, rules were often derived from domestic law. In the 19th century, jurists rejected the idea that international law could come from any source that did not imply the will or consent of the state, but were prepared to allow the application of general principles […]

What Are the 3 Laws in Science

Newton is perhaps best known for his work in studying the gravity and motion of planets. At the urging of astronomer Edmond Halley, after admitting that he had lost his proof of elliptical orbits a few years earlier, Newton published his laws in 1687 in his seminal work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles […]

What Are Legal Structures

Corporate structure refers to the legal structure of an organization that is recognized in a particular jurisdiction. An organization`s legal structure is a key determinant of the activities it can perform, such as raising capital, liability for the company`s obligations, as well as the amount of taxes the organization owes to tax authorities. The […]

What Are Bouncers Legally Allowed to Do

But what about the bouncers themselves? What can they do to make their work easier? Here are five things bouncers can do to help themselves: Under the Labor Liability Act, an employer is generally only legally liable for an employee`s actions if they have been negligent. This does not apply to intentional or intentional […]

What`s the Legal Drinking Age in Russia

For example, 67% of Lithuanians support the law raising the legal age, an increase of 14 percentage points compared to 2018). Although the majority of countries in the world have set the MLDA at 18, 16 is considered the youngest age to drink. At least eight countries and regions have committed to their MLDA […]